Thursday 10 March 2011

When the bar is the quietest place on campus

I'm sitting in the undergraduate student pub listening to crummy hip-hop during lunch-hour. But this is one of the better places to get work done on campus-why? Because amidst all of the 'improvements' to the university, one of the things they forgot was having spots for students to work. A recent poll of the student body here overwhelmingly requested more study space. Our libraries have been turned into electronic mecca with lots of hardware-but they are overcrowded and a better place to get a date than do studying. One of the libraries just had an overhaul, where they decided to get rid of the books in favour of 30 inch screens (I wish I was kidding). Places for students (or anybody for that matter) on campus to go to a place with adequate seating, a wireless internet connection are pretty slim. So here I am, working in the student pub, and despite the noise, I realize this is about as good as it's going to get.

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