Friday, 24 February 2012

A Twat in the Twitterverse

Just because I want to use the word 'twat' in a post. Funny thing is, in my parents' day, it was slang for butt, not...the other thing. My parents used to use it all the time. Things have changed-my mother jokes about how she has to be careful when she talks about her pussy-she of course, means cat not... the other thing.
So I recently joined twitter, mostly because a colleague of mine was posting  these great articles via twitter. Also I was looking for work at the time and I was told that a presence on Twitter was a good thing (because, Facebook, LinkedIn and Academia are not enough...sigh).
I find Twitter fascinating for a number of reasons. Some of it is just plain funny, some of it informative, and some just makes you weep for humanity in general. Most of the time I am simply reading through feeds, looking at articles which I will occasionally share on facebook or retweet (I'm still not totally sure about the whole hashtag thing-god I sound like an old fart). I am still refusing however, to link all my accounts, or get  a smartphone so I can tweet my inane thoughts to the world. Sometimes, a girl has to have a little bit of privacy

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