Saturday, 5 March 2011

On the hunt

Well, my attempt to take charge of my health backfired- I spent the week in pain and soothed said pain with junk food and cigarettes. I'm not very good at this.
Tomorrow I head to a major conference which is known to be a good place to get a job. It is in industry however-not really my first choice. But, like many new grads, I am worried about being able to feed myself and the government (my student loans are pretty epic), so perhaps working for the man for a few years is necessary. The only problem is that everyone I know in industry hates their job. So the question becomes- do I take any decent paying job, even if I hate it? Do I be a bit picky in who I decide to apply to? I'm not exactly in demand, and the economy still sucks, so do I have the right to be choosy? Do I accept a job (providing I'm even offered one) with a company that has a terrible human rights and environmental record to pay the bills? Or should I just try and hold out for one of those oh-so-few academic jobs that I already been rejected for on several occasions already?

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